This is always a special time of year. People don't seem to hold back their love at Christmas. The air is filled with the season. But did you know it is also the time of the year when so many fall into depression? So let's remember the reason for the season. God sent his love to us on Christmas day. Let's share that with someone all year. Be a Secret Sister or Brother this coming year. Choose someone that you would like to show God's love to. They can be a Christian(even Christians need to be encouraged in their walk with the Lord) or non-Christian(show them what real Christian love is). So this is my gift to you this year, what being a Secret Sister means to me.
For me being a Secret Sister has been a real blessing. It has given me the opportunity to take special notice of a Sister-in-Christ; to get to know her better, to pray for her, to offer encouragement, or just to brighten her day. But most of all it gave me a chance to serve the Lord. To give support and love to a fellow Christian and to lift them up to the Lord. We can piece together a special relationship in secret. That's why I've used a quilt theme. They're pieced together and created with love. And our Lord created each of us with love.
Our ideas start in our mind and heart, thinking and planning before we come up with a finished piece. We pick and choose what colors, design and textures of fabric to piece together to create our quilt. The Lord chose each detail of our looks and personality with great love long before we were born. He pieced us together in a very special way. The bible tells us in Jeremiah 1:5, Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee. He had a plan and a purpose for us. We're all different and unique, just as each quilt is different. Some are bold and beautiful, soft and subtle, bright and gay, or warm and sturdy. Quilts have a purpose and so do we. They're made to be useful and to last through years of service.
How can we be useful to the Lord? In Isasiah 49:5 it says, And now, saith the Lord that formed me from the womb to be His servant..... The key word here is servant. Have we taken the time to ask Him, "How do you want to use me Lord? How can I serve you best?". We can serve the Lord as a Secret Sister or Brother. It's not just fun and gifts. Ask yourself how can I help them with their spiritual and physical needs.
I asked myself what does a quilt provide for me or represent to me. It provides warmth and comfort, it represents love and security. The Lord provides me with warmth and comfort
and I can be secure in the knowledge that the Lord's love is for eternity. John 3:16 assures me of this: For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Aren't these the things we should use when serving the Lord; love, warmth, comfort. Secure in the knowledge that His light can shine through us and give us strength and durability with each layer of God's wisdom and knowledge stitched together just as each layer of a quilt makes it stronger for our use we can be made stronger for God's use. We can serve Him and be blessed!
There's a quilt named the Star of Bethlehem. Just the name sounds bright and wonderful. It was a light that led them to the baby and it was a baby that was the light of the world. John 9:5, As long as I am in the world I am the light of the world. His light is still in the world through you and me. Let His light shine! Take time to piece together what you can do for someone. Prayer, cards, a helpful hand, bind them together with God's love and you've made an invisible friendship quilt. Now let's piece together our own quilt with God's word and be wrapped in the warmth of His love and receive His gift this holiday season. Become a light to those around you. Let's have that Christmas feeling all year.
I wanted to add a note here. I was asked to speak at our Secret Sister's Christmas party a few years ago and this was the devotion I gave. The Lord works in mysteryious ways. Before we had even thought of a theme I had written this. When we had our planning meeting Teresa had brought some of the quilts she had made to show us. And Carol Anne mentioned that she would like to use an Old Fashion Christmas Theme. And this is how the Lord worked in each of us and pieced together our party.
And remember the words from this Ray Boltz song:
In all the celebration sometimes the truth gets lost.
That with every step this baby took it brought him closer to the cross.