Prayer Requests

This little lamb is praying for one of God's little lambs!


From: Anna Mae

That our daughter-in-law, Annie, has a safe and healthy delivery for her and the baby.

Answered prayer:

Baby and Mother had a safe and healthy delivery.
God has blessed us in a special way.

From: Harriet
Hello, and I really like this web site, my mother sent it to me.
My prayer request is that God will help me to get into an exercise program, with new eating habit. I'm over weight, and very unhappy about it. Please God have your way.


My daughter is in an abusive relationship. Please pray for her. Her name is Kim.


She's still in this relationship and it has not improved. I ask for your continued prayer for her and her children.


I m a Chemo Angel and I ask that you pray for my patient. I'll call her Maggie. God will know who you're praying for.

From: Peggy

My father has cancer. Prostate cancer that has metastisized to the spine. He is on his 4th round of radiation. He has leukemia too. I live 3 doors away and love him dearly. Please pray for our family.

From: Amanda

Thank you Lord for answering my prayer.


My high school girlfriend,Brenda, has breast cancer. Please pray for her healing and strength during treatments.


So far her treatments are going wonderful. Little or no side effects that are affecting her health. Her spirits are high and she's half way through the treatments. Continue praying for her full recovery.

Answered prayer: 9-25-01
She has finished her last treatment. She did very well with the treatments. Lost her hair and became very tired, sometimes depression but was very blessed wih so few side affects. Thank you Lord! Keep her in your prayers that test results will be good.


Chris is the sister-in-law of an internet friend. She starts chemo in a couple of weeks. Please pray for her during this trying time. Pray for spiritual and physical healing. That the Lord will keep her strong in Him.


She is getting ready for another treatment. But her husband will have to leave shortly there after to go back on the road. Pray that God will see her through this time with love and comfort from family and friends. Continue to pray for her healing.


Chris is having quite a lot of sickness after treatments and becomes very weak. Please keep her in your prayers. Her husband is still gone too. He made a delivery to N.Y.C. for disater relief.


My nephew is starting a new relationship. Please pray this will go according to God's plan. There are 4 children in this relationship also. Both are from broken marriages. May the Lord direct their paths.


Please keep our country, it's leaders, the victims and rescue workers and their families, and our military men and women in your prayers. Dear Lord may all turn to you for strength for the journey during this time.

If you have a prayer request please send it on and our prayer warriors will pray for you. All the info is optional. You can provide it if you want.
We'll pray with or without it.


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