I would like to encourage you to support
these organizations with your time or money.

American Heart Assoc.
Did you know that 1 in 5 male and female suffer
some form of cardiovascular diesease. That every
60 seconds someone dies from a coronary problem.

My family history for heart disease is not good.
Because of all the advancements in care of the
heart we have had my Mother with us for 20+ yrs.
since her first heart attack. I hope you will
check this sight out and keep your heart healthy.

Chemo Angels
This has been such a rewarding group to belong to.
These Angels reach out to each other with love and
support. They provide love and support to cancer
patients. We stay with them from the beginning to
the end. If you know someone with cancer or if you
would like to be an Angel to a cancer patient,
click the banner and find a rewarding experience.

Our Just Cause
His Story Please read this young
man's story. He could be
your brother, father, son,
Contact our Government
and let them know you
want them all brought home.
My Father came home from World War II.
My Brother came home from Vietnam.
My Son remained state side for his tour in the Air Force.
My Secret Pal and her family are in Turkey right now.
I know several families who are in the military.
These people inspired me to adopt a POW/MIA.

Won't You support them too?

Leave a not so I'll know you were here. See who was here.

Site Map Drop me a line. Memorial Day

GranGran This n That

You're listening to
"We Are Christians"

Guest Book
Provided by: Bravenet
I would like to say a special thank you to
Marcia for designing the "Have a Heart" and
"Chemo Angels" banners. I hope you'll visit
her graphic site. "Cobblestone Country Creations"